There was a functional requirement of this thing from the day 1. Here “this” means specifically the adding form submissions to database directly. It is quite risky and harmful that’s why I delayed this direct addition of information to search engine’s database. In other way it will help to grow and increase database. All the other things will depend upon its use / misuse.
Whatever will be the results I’m not bothered about it at all. All I wished is to develop a system which will work better way. Now whenever user submit form all data will be added to Database of EduSrch. In this when user enters ID for Page / Link for Formula it will be fetched from database, if there already exists entered ID you’ll get and error. and you need to enter next ID / Link.
Now as You can see in these images Here I haven’t considered any design aspect. Only Functional requirements were taken into consideration for this purpose right now. Whenever user seeks to submit / Contribute he/she’ll be able to provide information to EduSrch. The Basic thing in this is that whenever user provides information it is required for her to submit formulae in LateX and other information in Words.
Many of the students are unaware of LateX but it’s too simple to learn. Trust me you’ll be able to implement this Language From the moment you start practising it, as simple as that. In order to protect users from fake submissions we will monitor all the data that we receive.